Gender Inclusive Reproductive Justice Print
Gender Inclusive Reproductive Justice Print
It's vital we keep our fight for reproductive justice gender-inclusive. It's not just cisgender women who are fighting for their reproductive rights, many trans and non-binary people are also affected. Trans and non-binary people are often excluded in the mainstream language choices for reproductive care, due to the myths of "middle Ireland" not understanding trans issues.
We must also stop erasing the work non-binary people have put into the fight for reproductive justice for generations. We've always been here.
Not everyone who has a uterus is a woman, nor does every woman have a uterus. Keep our fight inclusive!
When healthcare rights are under attack, stand up fight back.
When trans rights are under attack, stand up fight back.
When queer rights are under attack, stand up fight back.
This 15cm square print is on durable card. It can be placed as is around the home, framed, or stuck up the nose of any gatekeeping eejit. The choice is yours!